Print CRM, Order Management, Promotional Products Quotes Software: Customizations
The Summary:
PrintPLANR has provided a one-stop solution to a promotional company in the Asia Pacific region that caters to all of their printing process needs, including print CRM, quote management system, order management & fulfilment & more. At the same time, our software helped the client manage their B2B & B2C customer efficiently.
What was the Situation?
The promotional product company had multiple software to manage their everyday business. As a result, the company had to deal with manual entry and, more importantly, handle data across the systems which was not available in real-time.
What were their Problems?
The problems because of the criteria mentioned above were as follows:
- Orders did not fulfil on time as the whole workflow process were not in sync.
- The client had no set priorities for the orders, which led to delays in shipment. The orders that had to be sent first got in the backlog and created last-minute rush and other inconveniences. Overall, the company reputation would get wounded badly if this system had continued.
- The prices from their suppliers were not in real-time, resulting in over-priced or under-priced quotes, leading to losing the orders or running them at a loss. These inaccurate quotes again led to our client’s customers being unhappy, the last thing that our clients wanted.
- The company with excellent potential for expansion could not move forward because of the above-listed issues.

How did they Approach Us?
Having tried multiple Print MIS that comes with CRM for the printing industry, quote management system, web-to-print, warehouse management systems, among other tools, they approached PrintPLANR with all the above problems.
The Promotional Products Company was looking for a solution that would take care of their business workflow seamlessly and came to us seeking a solution that would single-handedly manage and address all of their issues. With a single promotional products quotes & print order management software & print CRM software for promotional products industry working in sync with each other among other modules.
How did we Resolve them?
Print MIS had many answers for most of the above problems as it is a ready-to-use solution. But to fit all the client’s requirements, we still added a few customizations to the off-shelf solution to meet the entire business requirement.
Their immediate requirement was to have a management information system that could have:
- A product price list from various vendors, including some third-party providers,
- Clear visibility of orders & their priorities set.
- Order tracking from the point of receipt to dispatch to fulfilment.
The Solution:
We provided them with our base system to set up their master records of print CRM, print quote software management, supplies and other settings. At the same time, our team started creating APIs (Application Programming Interface) to link the solution with other third-party providers they were currently using.
They also required a customized layout for B2B, and since our W2P B2B designs are easy to customize using HTML and CSS, it did not take us long to create a similar ordering site the customer had been using for their platform.
There were other requirements other than the CRM quote management software and linking the solution with the warehouse management system, courier company which would ensure the whole workflow process would remain synced and operable from a single software.
The Results:
They could get rid of multiple software with control under one roof, which dealt with the manual data entry issue and prevented losses to our client on various fronts.
No delayed deliveries, no inaccurate quotes, real-time data available at all times, anywhere and everywhere securely, and finally being able to scale up their company as they had planned for years.
The client is looking forward to more customizations in the pipeline as PrintPLANR is working towards AI-driven Automation.

What are we currently doing?
As an industry, how are we helping the promotional companies meet their full-fledged print management system and ordering tracking requirements? We are trying to answer this question and keep ourselves on our toes to move with the latest trends and technologies at all times.
PrintPLANR has further strengthened its solution base for the promotional industry by providing the solution to the Promotional company, our client in the Asia Pacific region. Currently offering this promotional product software, we will be marketing in the US, Canada & the European areas too.
PrintPLANR will continue to evolve the promotional part of the software and will keep working towards the changes to meet the ever-growing demand of the promotional industry.
We have developed a loyal customer base with over a decade of experience providing print information management solutions. We welcomed our newest member to our PrintPLANR family & continue to uphold the best relations with our promotional products company client.
With the customizations on top of our print management system, we provided print CRM, promotional products quotes & print order management software, all of it in software and improved the workforce efficiency and the Return on Investment (ROI).
Are you looking for a similar solution? Our PrintPLANR Print MIS works efficiently for all print industries and has in-built customizations to suit their specific needs.
Source: Print CRM-Quote Management Software & Other Customizations
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