Print Files, Artwork, Quotes, Electronic Job Cards and Invoice Management

Digital Documents and Assets Manager
Document Management can be a difficult job especially when you have files/documents coming in from all directions. Organizing them in a proper way is key to access the files-on-demand. At PrintPLANR, we have all documents saved in an easily traceable manner. This way, the software saves most of your time as you have easy reach to documents just when you need them.
As a part of our Add-On Solutions:
We have a Document Management System or a Digital Asset Management System that allows you to create folders and save documents in the way you prefer. Furthermore, it allows you to limit the access of that solution to all or certain users with ‘Read-Only’ or you can even provide them full rights.
The solution also has a powerful search feature to trace a document not only with its name and record info, but just by feeding any part of its content to the search tab.
So, imagine you are looking for an artwork file for your client, Ben Smith, and the artwork file is saved ‘artwork-001.pdf.’ The search even displays the file if the artwork file has the name ‘Ben Smith’ anywhere in itself. The system also acts as an FTP system to upload and download multiple files, implying that you don’t need a separate FTP system to serve the purpose.
Although this is not a part of our standard offering, there is no reason to skip out on it. It is affordable and a great tool to have that manages all your documents/files in the most organized manner.
Don’t let your competitors leave you behind! Contact us for a great deal that gets your business organized in no time.
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